Wednesday 7 March 2007

Body and Soul

I found this great quote from Plato, stuck in the bottom of my drawers at home. It reminds us to begin the year again by thinking of patients as people, not statistics, diseases or bed numbers. I guess its a bit like Patch Adams; I should really get that DVD out. I reckon more than half of 'how you are feeling' when you leave the doctors office, depends on how the doctor 'treats you' as a person not how s/he 'treats you' medically.

On the flip side we have Gregory House for the Negative team:
"What would you want, a doctor who holds your hand while you die, or a doctor who ignores you while you get better? I guess it would particularly suck to have a doctor who ignores you while you die."

'As you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head or the head withought the body, so neither are you to attempt to cure the body without the soul. For the part can never be well unless the whole body is well. Therefore, if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul'


Craig Tubman said...

My gosh! You have been busy today.

Links, a new's all happening here.

How cool is that Plato quote - you should take that and stick it on your mirror or something.

See, the thing is...Patch Adams was really smart just as smart I reckon as Gregory House. And with that being the case, I think I'd rather have Patch attend to me than House!?

Although I love House ofcourse,

You keep thinking through these things and you'll be a great doctor.

Craig Tubman said...

I'm quite touchy about my poor spelling.

just be careful - I'm trying as hard as I can. I think it may be a medical problem, it's not my fault.

Anonymous said...

Wow - and I thought you didn't like english! What an entertaining discourse. I believe the solution to your problem is quite simple though... House fires Chase and hires Patch! Best of both worlds!


Justin said...

Doesn't Scrubs provide the necessary link between Patch and House?


Sitting here in NYC watching Scrubs.

Justin via Tubeo.

Amanda Cox said...

Gday Justin
thanks for the comment.
welcome to my blog!

Justin said...

Thought I'd chime in!


Its good to be here.