Friday 30 March 2007

Holidays already. I know, lucky hey. Had the long drive back yesterday with sarah and charlotte. but its nice to be home for a bit. Ive had a busy couple of weeks. I finally got to see a surgery which was pretty cool. And I even got to take one guys' stitches out (he knew it was my first time). Neurology is an interesting place, lots of different things to diagnose and brain CTs to try to read. the 2 doctors there are very different. One is like House, and the other is the kinda guy you would acutally want as your OWN doctor. Both great teachers in their own way. Theres also a lot of disabled kids at their consult rooms, which is pretty sad. but theyre such great kids.
We spent the second week doing fitness stuff. and read an article saying that it was fitness and not weight or BMI that was the best predictor of mortality etc. The punch line is you can be fat and fit! we went to TAFE for a go on the exercise bikes and lets just say that I have the two criteria back to front.
Skills tutorials are my favourite, there seems to be a simulation for everything. they have a crazy dummy - which i name johnny. and you can feel his pulse, listen to heart murmers, his breathing, give him a drip, put tubes down his throat, do cpr. etc. hes like a full size one that you would use for CPR but with arms and legs. My latest acheivement is learning how to intubate him- thats probably the most commn procedure in med shows.

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